Can I lose my professional license because of a DUI arrest?

When you are pulled over for a DUI in California, you can feel scared and worried about what is to come. If you have an occupation where you have a professional license, the situation can feel even more dire.

Are there professional license consequences for a DUI arrest?

There can be ramifications if you have been arrested for a DUI in California. If you provided fingerprints for your professional license, then those fingerprints will be cross-referenced when you are booked in jail for the DUI. When this happens, the details about your arrest will be simultaneously transferred to your California professional license board.

The licensing board will probably categorize the arrest as “unprofessional conduct”. When this happens the licensing board will look at any aggravating factors when they determine how to discipline your professional license.

Aggravating factors may include:

  • If there was an accident
  • Blood alcohol level
  • Injury to others
  • Test results indicating any other controlled substances

These factors are also taken into consideration for your criminal trial. Depending on the severity of the criminal charges you can also be facing suspension, probation or even revocation of your professional license.

A DUI is a red flag to licensing boards which might indicate a licensee’s drug or alcohol problem. This is why licensing boards take DUIs so seriously.  Recurring DUIs can lead to probation or suspension of a license. However professional licensing boards also believe in recovery and rehabilitation which is why they will listen to all the facts of your case before deciding on enforcement.

Call a professional California license defense attorney

So much is on the line when you are arrested for a DUI, it is important that you contact an attorney who specializes in professional license defense as soon as possible. Each board has a formal process of discipline. If you lose your professional license, you will face an uncertain future. Hiring an attorney to represent your interests as soon as possible is important in making sure your future is secured.

