
Professional Licensing

Common Reasons Nurses Lose Their Licenses in California

December 27, 2024

As a nurse, your California nursing license might be your most valuable asset, and losing it can have serious consequences for your career and your life. If you’re facing an investigation or have received an accusation, understanding the process and...

What Does a Professional License Defense Attorney Do in California? 2024

November 10, 2024

If your career is on the line for any reason, you may need a local professional license defense lawyer with experience handling cases like yours. A threat to your professional license should be taken seriously. You might have unanswered questions,...

The Elements of Professional Negligence in California

November 1, 2024

Professional malpractice may be one of the most commonly misunderstood concepts in California law. Most Californians are familiar with the concept of negligence, that is, the failure to use due care in carrying out a duty owed to another person....

California State Bar Attorney Misconduct Claims Process

Most, if not all, attorneys worked hard to obtain their bar card. A complaint to the state bar in California can threaten all of that. For that reason, attorneys facing an ethics complaint against them should be familiar with the...

How Do Attorneys Lose Their Licenses in California?

As an attorney, you are legally and morally obligated to adhere to certain rules when representing clients and in your everyday life. Violating the American Bar Association’s Rules of Professional Conduct may result in a suspension of your license to practice or...

Can I lose my professional license because of a DUI arrest?

April 29, 2022

When you are pulled over for a DUI in California, you can feel scared and worried about what is to come. If you have an occupation where you have a professional license, the situation can feel even more dire. Are...
