California Healthcare License Defense Attorneys

Century Law Group specializes in the representation of physicians and healthcare providers in all matters pertaining to their license. Our professional license defense attorneys regularly represent healthcare professionals in California before the Office of Administrative Hearings, where licensing matters are initially adjudicated.

We represent licensees and those seeking licenses before:

Tip: If you have come under scrutiny, you will likely be contacted with a letter and/or telephone call from an investigator. If you have been contacted in any capacity, it is advisable for you to contact an attorney before replying in any way to the investigator or the board.

Whether you are a chiropractor, podiatrist, dentist, pharmacist, physician, psychologist or nurse that has received an Accusation or you are an individual who has been denied a license, Century Law Group can help. Call 866-522-2642 or e-mail us to schedule an appointment to discuss your case in a free initial consultation.

Our lawyers have represented physicians and other medical professionals in hundreds of professional licensure cases before California licensing boards. Our primary goal in these matters is to help obtain and/or keep our clients’ professional licenses. Some of the specific types of professional licensure cases we handle include:

  • Prescription fraud/violations
  • Standard of care violations
  • Medical records violations
  • False insurance claims
  • Wrong-site surgery
  • Advertising violations
  • Continuing medical education violations
  • Sexual misconduct with patients
  • Disciplinary actions

An experienced, healthcare license defense attorney can help you focus on the relevant issues and protect your rights. Our medical license defense attorneys are advocates for physicians facing license revocation, peer review proceedings, and other legal and professional challenges. If you have been targeted by a state healthcare board investigation that threatens your license to practice, don’t hesitate to contact us at (866) 522-2642.

CENTURY LAW GROUP defended a nurse accused of administering an overdose of heparin in the high-profile case involving the twin infants of Dennis Quaid.  The 
judge found that CENTURY LAW GROUP’s client did not administer the overdose and recommended that no discipline be imposed.

To speak to a lawyer at our firm about Healthcare matters, call us at 866-522-2642 or e-mail us now.

Contact Us
Awards & Recognition
Southern California
  • 5200 W. Century Blvd. Suite 345
  • Los Angeles, CA 90045
  • (310) 642-6900
Northern California