Proactive Compliance Counseling For California Professional License Defense Clients

Compliance counseling from an experienced license defense attorney can proactively anticipate and prevent a host of legal problems for a licensed professional.

Throughout the state, including Los Angeles, San Diego and Northern California, the lawyers of Century Law Group, LLP, work hard to help clients with licensed professional practices to get the facts they need about rules, requirements and regulations pertaining to their careers.

During our combined decades of successful services delivered to finance, real estate, insurance, and social services licensees, plus doctors and lawyers, we have assisted this diverse professional clientele with risk management strategies that avoid costly, lengthy litigation, not to mention suspension or revocation of a license.

Century Law Group, LLP — Experienced Compliance Counseling In California

Our license defense legal team provides astute compliance advice in practice areas that include regulatory requirements, government guidelines, permits and variances — and offers thoughtful recommendations that ensure continued smooth operation of your business.

In these ways, we spare licensee clients the time, expense and pressures of litigation and enforcement actions when a license is challenged by a state agency.

Set Up A Consultation With Our Attorneys

To secure an initial consultation with us, call any of our law offices toll free at 800-465-4192 or send an email message.

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