Our website is not intended to advertise our legal services, to solicit clients, or to provide legal advice; rather it is a communication pursuant to California State Bar Formal Ethics Opinion 2001-155.  Our prior results are no guarantee of similar outcomes. Our legal updates, lawyer publications, and other information should not be considered legal opinions or a substitute for legal counsel.

Our firm has no intent to reach individuals or companies seeking legal representation or counsel for matters which require the admission to practice in any jurisdiction in which our attorneys are not licensed.

Neither our presentation of the information on the site nor your receipt of the information creates an attorney-client relationship or imposes any obligation on the firm. No communication sent by you to the firm through these sites or sent to us based upon information received on these sites (including the contact information provided herein) shall establish an attorney-client relationship or an obligation by the firm to keep your communication confidential.  Since any such communication may not be secure and is not confidential, please do not send sensitive or confidential information electronically until such time as an attorney-client relationship is actually established.

Online Privacy Policy

We collect personally identifiable information such as names and addresses only from visitors who voluntarily input such information.  The firm also will collect e-mail addresses from the e-mails you send us.  The firm may use the personally identifiable information we collect online only to send you information about firm events or publications. We do provide you the opportunity to be removed from our mailing lists.

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