Defining Partial Take And Severance Damages In Eminent Domain Cases

Many residential and business property owners whose holdings are threatened by the government’s powers of eminent domain are unclear about factors such as the “partial take” and severance damages.

Does this situation describe yours? If so, we have the skilled lawyers who can help you.

At Century Law Group, LLP — with experienced eminent domain attorneys in Los Angeles, San Diego, Northern California and Texas — our statewide law firm protects your rights and gives you the facts you need about public use, just compensation, business valuation and inverse condemnation.

The government will often just take a portion of someone’s property, in order to widen a road, for example. If it does not take your entire property, it is still required to pay you just compensation for the property taken, plus the diminution (if any) of value to the remainder of the property, called “severance damages.” These damages will usually include the value of the part of property taken, plus the damage to the remaining property. Depending on the circumstances, the damage to the remaining property can be quite high.

Century Law Group, LLP — In Statewide Eminent Domain Representation

Your urgent legal issues are important to us. Arrange your initial consultation right now at this toll-free number — 800-465-4192. We always respond promptly to all email inquiries.

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